


我们的产品广泛运用于工业机器人、汽车制造、食品包装、医疗器械、侧戒制造、自动化生产线、光伏太阳能产业等领域,面对工业4.0 的新机遇。我们秉承由衷的价值理念,崇尚科技,笃守诚信.求真务实,致力于自动化真空技术而付之努力,谋求有识之士及行业客商精诚合作成就未来......

Elyca automation by Kim you not painstaking research , technological innovatlon,led by vacuum field operations team services founded in the Greater China region and R & D ,manufacturing automation technology development company.

We asplre to the innovation of new technologies , new concepts,new materials for the development of the company , in the continuous improvement of the existing industrial automation vacuum components product oriented and solid foundation , more spare no effort to take the customer demand as the orientation,service and supporting automation solutions towards customized products.

We are dedicated to listen to your ideas and needs at any time,the effective combination of technology,manufacturing experience for you to solve problems,so as to create value for you.

Our products are widely used in industrial robots,automobile manufacturing,and food peckaging,medical equipment,machinery manufacturing,automated production lines,solar energy photovoltaic industry and other fields,in the face of new opportunities in the 4 industry,we sincerely uphold the value concept,advocating science and technolog y,Benedict Shou integrity,pragmatic,dedicated to the automation of vacuum technology and pay work hard,seek industry customers sincere cooperation and a person with breadth of vision.The achievements of the future .
